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Maui Geckos

Location: Lahaina, Maui

There are eight species of geckos on the Island of Maui. The first one photographed is a Gold dust day gecko (Phelsuma laticauda). The second is known as Mourning Gecko (Lepidodactylus lugubris) also referred to as the common smooth-scaled gecko. Both these species are very common on the Hawaiian Islands and tropical regions throughout the world. 

Florida Sea Hares

Location: Fort De Soto, Florida

This is the Frilled Sea Hare (Bursatella leachiplei) and in the first picture, the slug is shown without ink which gives it the brown color shown on the second picture. When the slug is distressed, they release an ink cloud similar to an octopus or squid.  


Location: St. Petersburg, Florida 

School of mullet (Mugil cephalus) photographed off a dock in St. Petersburg, Florida. These mullets often swim in schools and can be seen jumping out of the water which makes it easy for fisherman to catch. Mullet are very commonly used as bait fish for larger prey such as Tuna. 

Blue Crab

Location: St. Petersburg, Florida 

The Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) is a type of swimming crab which means that they can swim through the water with their paddle shaped legs. Their scientific name translates to "beautiful, savory swimmer" which fits the description of the crab very well.  

Sea Star

Location: St. Petersburg, Florida

The Brown Spiny Sea Star (Echinaster spinulosus) photographed in this picture have five arms that are tipped with a light-sensing eyespots which allows the sea star to find and embrace its prey and hold on tightly with its suckered podia (feet). They are also capable of regenerating their lost limbs as long as the centural disc of the sea star is intact. 

Hermit Crab

Location: Fort De Soto, Florida

The Long-Wristed Hermit Crab (Pagurus longicarpus) are common subtidal decapods that range from depths of 150 feet. They retrieve their shells from dead gastropods which are usually periwinkles, oyster drills, and eastern mud snails. 
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Hawaiian Butterfly

Location: Kahana, Maui

This is a monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus). This butterfly was extremely hard to photograph due to their fast flying skills hopping from flower to flower. 

Fun on the Tube

Location: Lake Billy Chinook, OR

Took some of my friends to Lake Billy Chinook where we went tubbing! 
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